think | Live | be

Like Jesus

Sunday Service @ 10:00 AM


Trinity Fellowship exists to encourage and equip people to think, live, and be like Jesus.


We are currently teaching through the Book of Acts.




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"We picked this church from Georgia online in 2002 before moving to Texas and we have been here ever since!
Excellent teaching where graphic visuals and written visuals complement the narrative rather than just repeat it!
Tremendous community worship music!
People that care deeply for others - I have recently been introduced to several flood-recovery families at Trinity that were reached & helped by the crisis aid teams that come from across the country to operate out of (& with) this host church.
Most importantly, this body understands the difference between the Gospel and the whole of scripture - holding the scriptures as truth in order to be the living outreach of the Gospel and up-reach of worship!"

"On God they save my family. I was a cancer patient. I will never forget their sacrifice for me.. I will pray to God for their good life up to my death. I will be happy if I can do anything for Trinity Fellowship."

"This group of folks really have a heart for CHRIST. My group has been down here all week working. These folks are very gracious and accommodating for what we are doing. I'm very grateful to be a part of what GOD is doing in this area. I hope to come down again soon, LORD willing."